Our Life Matters update is designed to let you know what’s been happening in, and around, our business. Whether celebrating team achievement, or keeping you informed about wider issues that might affect you, we’ll cover a broad range of topics.
After a busy end to 2019, this month’s update includes news of Life Matters’ charity fundraising efforts, and the news that we have been named as one of the UK’s top financial planners.
We make the ‘UK’s Top-Rated Financial Advisers’ list for 2020
The Times are set to release their ‘2020 Guide to the UK’s Top-Rated Financial Advisers’ next month. And Life Matters are proud to announce we have been recognised on that list as one of the country’s top financial planners.
Published as an 18-page print supplement in the Saturday, February 8 edition, the list is compiled in partnership with VouchedFor, a website listing thousands of the most trusted financial and legal advisers from around the UK.
Life Matters were also asked to take part in a case study for the guide, so you’ll be able to find out more about our client Robyn and how working with us enabled her to make some big life decisions.
The Times describes their guide’s mission:
‘It will make clear the value of great financial advice and will shine a light on those advisers who are consistently doing an excellent job for their clients. As decided by… their clients!
The ultimate aim? To give people the confidence to get the help they need, whilst giving all the brilliant advisers out there the recognition they deserve.’
We very much appreciate the feedback from our clients that has resulted in us being on this list. We are very proud of the highly individual service we provide, and we love to hear real feedback about how Life Matters has helped people to live their best lives.
Christmas brings exam success
Congratulations to Richard, the newest member of the Life Matters team, who passed his Pension exam before Christmas.
Upskilling is important to us here at Life Matters, and Richard has really excelled. Passing, on first sitting, the first three exams, he is now halfway to achieving his Chartered Insurance Institute Diploma in Financial Planning, which he hopes to complete in 2020.
Congratulations again to Richard on passing RO1, RO2 and RO4. And good luck for your RO5!
The Big Sleep Easy 2019
147 people from local businesses and organisations took part in the YMCA Bournemouth ‘Big Sleep Easy’ at the end of last year. The event raises funds to support the homeless and to provide the tools and support they need to return to independent living and a positive, long-term future. And Life Matters’ Emily and Richard were there.
Beginning at 6.45 pm, with those taking part arranging their homemade cardboard shelters under the glow of the sports field’s floodlights, all that remained was to settle in for a cold night, temperatures sinking to a teeth-chattering minus two degrees.
There was nothing easy about The Big Sleep Easy, but thanks to the generous donations of our clients, family, and friends Emily was the top individual fundraiser. In total over £38,000 was raised from the event.
A massive ‘Well done’ to Emily and Richard for their achievement and for raising awareness of such an important issue.
Useful reminders
And finally, with the festive season over for another year, here are some useful reminders for us all:
- The current tax year ends on 5 April. Now’s the time to think about using up your ISA allowance and maybe topping up your pension. With a budget looming on March 11th, it would be wise to use any allowances before then in case of any rule changes.
- It’s still a way off yet, but if you’re making plans to get out and about over the early May Bank Holiday, it’s worth remembering it’s on a Friday this year (rather than its usual Monday), to coincide with VE day, so get May 8 firmly in your diaries.